News list for " hive"

Nasdaq-listed company Hive Digital: Bitcoin holdings increase to 2,805 by the end of 2024

Nasdaq-listed Hive Digital officially released its results for the year ended December 31, 2024, and its executive chairperson Frank Holmes said that the company's mining output in 2024 was 1,770 BTC, setting a new high for bitcoin holdings at the end of last year, with 2,805 bitcoins worth more than $260 million, a 263% increase compared to the $72 million bitcoin on the balance sheet at the end of December 2023.

2025-02-13 11:01:34
纳斯达克上市公司Hive Digital:截至2024年底比特币持有量增至2,805枚

纳斯达克上市公司Hive Digital官方发布截至2024年12月31日的业绩报告,其执行主席Frank Holmes表示,该公司在2024挖矿产出为1770枚BTC,去年底创下了比特币持有量的新高,持有量为2,805枚比特币,价值超过2.6亿美元,与2023年12月底资产负债表上的7200万美元比特币相比,这一数字同比增长了 263%。

2025-02-13 11:01:34
DePIN项目Hivello获得由Animoca Brands领投的战略投资

2月10日消息,DePIN项目Hivello获得由Animoca Brands领投的战略投资。具体金额暂未披露。所筹资金将用于进一步创新,以实现简化DePIN节点并使其更方便用户使用。 Hivello为DePIN聚合器,用户可以通过在多个去中心化网络中将闲置的计算机资源货币化来赚取收入。此前,Hivello曾于去年2月完成150万美元融资,Blockchange等参投。

2025-02-10 13:41:57

据Bitcoin.com报道,加密货币挖矿公司HIVE Digital Technologies以5600万美元收购了Bitfarms在巴拉圭的200 MW水电矿场。该矿场采用水冷ASIC矿机,此外HIVE还有另一个100 MW项目正在筹备中,公司正加大在可持续和高效比特币挖矿领域的投入。

2025-02-05 09:43:40
Senator Menendez, who opposed the adoption of bitcoin in El Salvador, was sentenced to 11 years in prison for accepting gold and cash bribes

The Bitcoin Archive said on the X platform that Senator Menendez, who opposed the adoption of bitcoin in El Salvador, was sentenced to 11 years in prison for accepting gold and cash bribes.

2025-01-30 10:10:26
反对萨尔瓦多采用比特币的参议员Menendez因收受黄金和现金贿赂被判处 11 年监禁

Bitcoin Archive在X平台称,反对萨尔瓦多采用比特币的参议员Menendez因收受黄金和现金贿赂被判处 11 年监禁。

2025-01-30 10:10:26
HIVE Digital buys Bitfarms mine in Paraguay for $56 million

Bitcoin miner HIVE Digital has announced the completion of a $56 million deal to acquire Canadian miner Bitfarms' partially completed 200 trillion watt (MW) bitcoin mine in Iguazu, Paraguay. HIVE has signed a binding Letter of Intent with Bitfarms and expects to expand its bitcoin mining hashrate to 25 EH/s in September through this acquisition, leveraging low-cost renewable hydroelectric power in Paraguay. The $56 million acquisition includes an expected $25 million upfront payment when Quarter...

2025-01-28 15:10:35
HIVE Digital 斥资 5600 万美元收购 Bitfarms 位于巴拉圭的一处矿场

比特币矿企HIVE Digital宣布完成一项价值 5600 万美元的交易,以收购加拿大矿企Bitfarms在巴拉圭伊瓜苏已部分完工的200兆瓦(MW)比特币矿场。 HIVE与Bitfarms签署了一份具有约束力的意向书,并预计通过此次收购将其比特币挖矿算力在9月份扩大到25 EH/s,利用巴拉圭低成本的可再生水力发电。5600万美元的收购包括预计在第一季度完成时支付的2500万美元预付款,剩余的3...

2025-01-28 15:10:35
The Hive与MyShell宣布将接入DeepSeek R1

1月27日消息,AI代理项目The Hive与AI消费者层MyShell宣布将接入DeepSeek R1。其中,MyShell表示,将在4小时内完成对DeepSeek R1的集成,并与DeepSeek合作,致力于打造人人可参与的AI生态。

2025-01-27 15:26:52
Web3 游戏公司 Hive Labs 完成 275 万美元种子前轮融资

1 月 17 日,据 tokenpost 报道,Web3 游戏公司 Hive Labs 完成由 Framework Ventures 领投的 275 万美元种子前轮融资。Volt Capital、Builder Capital、32 Bit Ventures 等机构及多位个人投资者参投。Hive Labs 正在开发基于去中心化数据可用性服务 EigenDA 的游戏聚合器,该协议可与 Telegram、Discord 和 Farcaster 等社交平台实现集成。

2025-01-17 20:23:16
Bitcoin miner HIVE Digital produced 103 BTC in December, bringing the total to 1,772 BTC so far.

Listed bitcoin miner HIVE Digital Technologies released its December 2024 operating report, generating 103 BTC in the month and a total of 1,772 BTC to date; currently holds 2,805 BTC, worth $262 million.

2025-01-09 09:14:49
比特币矿企HIVE Digital 12月产出103枚BTC,迄今共计产出1772枚BTC

上市比特币矿企HIVE Digital Technologies发布2024年12月运营报告,当月产出103枚BTC,迄今共计产出1772枚BTC;当前持有2,805枚BTC,价值2.62亿美元。

2025-01-09 09:14:49
DePIN Network Hivera Receives $2 million Investment from IPN Foundation

DePIN network Hivera recently announced that it has received a $2 million investment from the IPN Foundation. Hivera is a decentralized physical infrastructure network (DePIN) powered by Ton Incubator that allows users to contribute data for AI training through the Telegram Mini Program and earn tokens based on device bandwidth speed.

2025-01-07 09:53:45
DePIN 网络 Hivera 获得 IPN Foundation 的 200 万美元投资

DePIN 网络 Hivera 近日宣布,其已获得 IPN Foundation 的 200 万美元投资。 Hivera 是一个由 Ton Incubator 支持的去中心化物理基础设施网络 (DePIN),支持用户通过 Telegram 小程序贡献数据用于 AI 训练,并根据设备带宽速度获得代币奖励。

2025-01-07 09:53:45
Hive Digital has announced that it will move its headquarters from Vancouver, Canada to Texas, USA

Bitcoin mining company Hive Digital recently announced that it will move its headquarters from Vancouver, Canada to Texas, and cited President-elect Donald Trump's support for bitcoin as one of the important reasons for the move. In a statement on December 31, Hive Digital Technologies (HIVE) said that the new Trump administration has shown the importance of innovation and established a more friendly regulatory environment for the development of bitcoin miners.

2025-01-01 14:15:20